

I don't know what to do

1Start by separating every part by cutting along the thick lines.

2It seems the mother is trying to tell you something. Maybe you could express it with your paper?

3Stack 8 small pieces you cut off so that you can see only the pattern instructed by the mother.

4Start by putting small L part, then put S part on it, and so on. Once the pattern becomes the same as the mother instructed, read it from the top.



I don't know what to do

1The message the mother trying to tell you is different now. This arrangement looks familiar.

2Make sure you cut along the thick lines.

3It seems the remaining paper that you cut off 8 pieces has the arrangement the mother is telling.

4Try putting the paper on the board left side of the mysterious paper and move it. There will be the point that these 4 things will appear on the top line.


The world is mine

I don't know what to do

1Start by looking for 4 "rules" by searching the room. The father is in the stage select room. There was a connection between the items on the desk and the stage numbers. Go back and check it.

2For example, "Doodle" is "Stage 4", "Diary" is "Stage 5". If "Diary" exists only 5 squares on the board, fill them all.

3Fill all of the square that contains "Diary", "Receipts", "Picture book", "Paper airplane", "Map", "Chips".

4From lower left to the paper crane square where the mother is at, go through all the square that is not filled with one stroke. Then input commands you go through after the ESP Cards in order.



I don't know what to do

1It is showing the process of folding, folding, and cutting the square board. Every square that is filled before is already written on it, so make sure to look closely.

24 pieces will be cut out when you cut the instructed point.

3Only one icon and one letter should exist on each piece when you unfold them.

4You should already know that each icon corresponds to each number. What happens when you read it in order of 1234?


Mind the gap

I don't know what to do

1This room only consists of things that you've already used. Start by making 4 corner parts using 8 smaller pieces.

2How do you fit those corners perfectly into the holes? It seems you need to fold the paper to make it 3D.

3Pay attention to the difference in the colors of the board. Fold them diagonally to mask only the darkest point of the four corners, then using the previous rule to go to the crane square where the mother is at.

4By folding the paper, it seems the area of the "floor" has changed. Maybe there are new icons that can be filled now?


Donut hole

I don't know what to do

1Finally, parents are facing each other. Let's make a room with 4 corner parts that you used for corners before.

2When you make a room, be careful of the order in which you stack them so that only the instructed patterns are visible, as the mother first told you.

3When you have a room, enter the letters on the wall in order. The floor marks indicate the input order as 1, 2, 3, 4.

